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Kuwait Travel guide in 2023
Published by: kuwaittourguide (16) on Fri, May 5, 2023  |  Word Count: 1195  |  Comments ( 0)  l  Rating
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If you’re planning a trip to Kuwait in 2023, then you’re in luck! With the introduction of the new e-Kuwait visa, the process of obtaining a visa for Kuwait has become easier and quicker than ever before. Whether you’re a backpacker, a business traveler, or just looking for a great holiday destination, Kuwait is a wonderful place to explore. Visit Kuwait In this travel guide, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to make your Kuwait vacation a success, from visa requirements to must-see attractions.


Kuwait has a long and rich history that dates back to the 18th century. The first known settlement in Kuwait was founded in 1716 by the Bani Utubs, a nomadic tribe from the Arabian Peninsula. The area was largely populated by Bedouin tribes until it was declared an independent state in 1961.

In the 19th century, Kuwait came under the rule of the Ottoman Empire until its eventual independence in 1961. It then became an important port and trading hub for ships coming in and out of the Persian Gulf. During this period, Kuwait hotels, Kuwait’s economy grew substantially due to its lucrative pearl diving industry.

In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, sparking an international crisis and leading to a massive military response by a coalition led by the United States. After a few months of fierce fighting, Iraq was defeated and Kuwait regained its independence. Since then, Kuwait has seen tremendous economic growth and is now one of the world’s wealthiest countries.


Kuwait is located in the northeastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, on the shores of the Persian Gulf. The country is bordered by Iraq to the north and Saudi Arabia to the south. Kuwait is a desert nation with sandy beaches, rocky hills, and salty marshes. The coast of Kuwait features a number of beautiful coral reefs, providing excellent opportunities for scuba diving and other water sports.

The land area of Kuwait covers an area of 6,880 square miles, making it the fourth smallest country in the Middle East. The land is mostly flat and barren, but there are several mountain ranges located in the north and west of the country. These mountains range in height from 800 to 2,000 meters.

The Kuwaiti desert has a mild climate and experiences hot and dry summers as well as mild winters. Rainfall is extremely rare in Kuwait, and most of the precipitation comes in the form of light showers during the winter months. The average annual temperature is around 25°C (77°F).


Kuwait has a desert climate with hot summers and mild winters. Average temperatures range from lows of 15°C (59°F) in January to highs of 44°C (111°F) in July and August. The dry, hot winds that blow through Kuwait during the summer months can make the weather even more uncomfortable.

The wettest months are January and February, when light rainfall occurs, usually in the form of thunderstorms. Kuwait gets very little rain throughout the year, and most of it falls between November and March. Dust storms are common during the spring and summer, which can lead to poor air quality. During winter, sandstorms can occur as well.

The country experiences high humidity levels throughout the year due to its proximity to the Persian Gulf. Humidity levels tend to be highest in summer and lowest in winter, with an average of around 75%.


Kuwait is a small, oil-rich nation located in the Middle East. The population of Kuwait is estimated to be around 4.5 million people, with approximately 1.3 million of those being expatriates. About 68% of the population is made up of Kuwaitis, with the remaining 32% consisting of expatriates from various countries around the world, including Egypt, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines.

The majority of Kuwait’s population is Muslim (83%), while the rest practice Christianity (8%), Hinduism (6%), and other religions. The official language is Arabic, but English is also widely spoken.

As a result of the country’s oil wealth, the living standards in Kuwait are among the highest in the region. It has one of the lowest poverty rates in the world and has achieved high rankings for its health care system. It also has low unemployment rates and a high literacy rate of 99%.

The capital city of Kuwait is Kuwait City, which is home to approximately 1.4 million people. This city is home to many of the country’s major commercial and financial centers, as well as its major cultural institutions.


As one of the world’s most progressive nations, Kuwait is an ideal destination for visitors seeking an unforgettable experience. The country boasts a wide range of attractions and activities that can be enjoyed by all types of travelers, from luxury seekers to adventure enthusiasts.

Kuwait is home to several renowned landmarks and monuments, including the Grand Mosque, Kuwait Towers, National Museum, and Liberation Tower. Visitors can also explore the many shopping malls and souks dotted around the city and take in breathtaking views from atop the iconic Kuwait Towers.

The country also offers some incredible natural beauty, with its untouched sandy beaches, rugged mountains, and crystal clear blue waters. Visitors can take part in a variety of activities such as diving, sailing, fishing, and sand skiing.

Kuwait is home to a bustling nightlife, with many bars and clubs around the city offering local and international music and entertainment. Restaurants serving both local and international cuisines are available across the city, Thing to do in Kuwait and visitors can enjoy traditional Middle Eastern delicacies such as shawarma and falafel.

Overall, Kuwait has something to offer every type of traveler. Whether you’re looking for luxury, adventure or simply some time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Kuwait is sure to satisfy.


Kuwait has a rich and diverse culture that reflects its history and its location between East and West. Over the centuries, it has been influenced by the Arabian Peninsula, Persia, South Asia, and the Levant. Kuwait’s official religion is Islam, but there are a variety of religious minorities in the country, such as Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists.

The culture of Kuwait is based on Islamic principles and traditions. The traditional dress for men is the dishdasha while women wear an abaya with a headscarf. Public displays of affection are frowned upon, and the majority of Kuwaitis follow traditional Islamic customs when it comes to diet and religious practices.

Kuwait has a very vibrant arts and culture scene. Popular forms of art include poetry, painting, music, dance, theater, and more. Traditional music is an important part of Kuwaiti culture, especially when it comes to celebrating special occasions. Popular instruments used in Kuwaiti music include drums, lutes, and flutes.

Kuwait is home to several prominent festivals and celebrations throughout the year. Ramadan is one of the most important holidays in Kuwait, which celebrates the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is marked by fasting, prayer, and celebration. Another major event is Eid al-Adha, which celebrates the end of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Kuwait also celebrates National Day each year on February 25th in honor of the country’s independence from Britain in 1961.

Visit Us:- https://www.kuwaittourguide.com/
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